Braggistan fuzzy backed catapillar
Nothing prepared us, not even the in depth high speed in country brief, for the sudden but sort of gradual onslaught of the DREADED Braggistan Fuzzy Catapillar. It strikes without warning, usually after missing particular elements of field sanitation, mainly shaving. Once it establishes itself, there is no small amount of pain in removing one.
For some of us, the cup is half full. Sergeant M. revels in his new look and proudly shows off his lip parasite.
Nothing is more embarrasing than not knowing the Catapillar has struck, as evidenced by the look on SSG. W's face.
Some will try and ignore an attack by acting dignified, it does not help.
All you can do if you see someone infested is to show sympathy.
For some of us, the cup is half full. Sergeant M. revels in his new look and proudly shows off his lip parasite.
The 1st Platoon PL (Iceman)seems to enjoy the company.
Sometimes having a buddy helps, but closing your eyes in hopes of it going away, does not.
After enduring some itching and scratching while the little critter settles in, it is not so bad. From what we understand, in Afghanistan you are less of a man if you do not have hair on your face. Luckily, here in Braggistan we got a little extra help.
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