Thursday, November 13, 2008

Afghan National Police NCO Academy

On 13 August, we travelled over to see how the German sponsored NCOA was doing. The school is run almost entirely by the Afghans. A graduating class of ANP NCOs has about 1500-1600 students enrolled. The school is located in Kabul and it is pretty squared away, despite the picture that I have attached to this entry.

This is an Afghan led class on how to properly clear a building. The guy immediately to the right of the door pointing his weapon at the guy across from him, who the by the way is returning the favor, happens to be an Afghan Colonel teaching the class. I guess the block of instruction on proper muzzle awareness must have come later in the day. Notice the guy on the far left, he is lined up for a headshot on his buddy as well. His buddy, if by some grace of Allah survives the potential shot to the brain case, will not even be able to defend himself because his weapon apparantly is a piece of paper. And yes, that is me watching the whole business unfold. I finally broke contact when I discovered the good Colonel had a magazine in his weapon.

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